11 December, 2011

A gem of a blog

This is a little post to let you know about an awesome blog called Identity Adoption and Me

I've known Dot for a few years but we recently connected again when I started attending a new connect/life/small group that Dot was also going to.

Dot grew up in Fiji, and always felt a little different. When she was around 13, she discovered, by accident, that she was adopted and that her birth mother and father were Samoan.

She tells her story beautifully on her blog and writes really well. Start at the very first post if you want to read her whole story.

She's new to the blog world so please show some love!

Thank you xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww... thank you Penny ! Thanks for showing me how to blog and getting me started ! I always knew I had a voice and am so thankful to blogging that I can speak boldly on what has been a very blessed journey of mine. Thank you again xoxox